

The availability of Japanese knives is constantly deteriorating. Of course, we are talking about original Japanese knives, not desperate replicas that are widely offered online in Slovakia and the surrounding countries. The reason is increased demand on the domestic market when existing production capacities are filled. That's why any news that lands on our table in this situation will cause us a sincere wave of enthusiasm.

The Tojiro Shippu Black Edition series has been the flagship of the manufacturer of the same name until now. However, as part of pushing the limits, the black wind had to give up its privileged position to another strong wind - Reppu. Yes, that's the Japanese term for this weather phenomenon.

In the luxury material class, one cannot expect a large collection and therefore the manufacturer has carefully selected the 3 most used types of knives. All of them have today a very popular and especially practical Ken blade shape, often referred to as K-tip. And so Reppu gave us Petty, Bunka and Kiritsuke.

The classic three-layer San Mai blade has a noble core in the form of SG2. This high-speed tool steel has a fine structure thanks to the powder metallurgy used. As its name suggests, it is a material that excels in its strength and resistance to abrasion even at high temperatures. Add hardness of 63 HRC and anti-corrosion and its name Super Gold 2 makes sense. This steel rightfully belongs to the highest ranks in the shelves of Takefu Special Steel. The outer layers of softer anti-corrosion steel are sandblasted to a decent matte finish. The polished hamon gives the blade an elegant look, which also accentuates the inscription in kanji characters. The blade is symmetrical in the shape of the letter "V".

The overall design is very clean without unnecessary embellishments. The absence of a ferrule only emphasizes the elegance of the octagonal handles made of real teak wood. In addition to its beautiful appearance, it is also very resistant to moisture and mold.

The Tojiro brand responded to the growing number of imitations. Reppu knives are therefore equipped with an NFC sticker. With the help of your mobile phone, you can make sure that you are dealing with a real original.

The knives of Tojiro Reppu have proudly parked themselves in our Nippon Knives Top Gun Academy.

©2024 Copyright Roman Ulík, Nippon Knives, all rights reserved. Photographs and texts are protected by copyright and their use is not possible without the author's consent.

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