
Discounts for loyal customers

Due to the fact that we are a direct importer of our knives, we can offer you interesting prices. Since the costs in Japan correspond to the strength of its economy, we strive for the best possible ratio between the price and the value of the goods in our selection. At the same time, as an official authorized distributor, we must comply with the minimum selling prices set by the manufacturer. But despite everything, we try to reward loyal customers as much as possible. We have developed a system of discounts, which we strictly follow out of respect for our clients.

For REGISTERED CUSTOMERS, we offer the following discounts:

Discounts for one-time subscription:

201,- EUR  to  300,- EUR  2% discount

301,- EUR  to  400,- EUR 3% discount

401,- EUR  to  500,- EUR 4% discount

501,- EUR  to  1000,-EUR 5% discount

 For loyal customers:

After reaching a cumulative subscription worth EUR 1,000.00 in the last 6 months, a 10% discount on all purchases for the next 6 months.

You will always buy from us at real and fair prices.

Official distributor for Slovakia
Official distributor for Slovakia
Personal collection in Bratislava
Personal collection in Bratislava
Discounts for loyal customers
Discounts for loyal customers
Shipping and payment
Shipping and payment
Payment options
Payment options
Our partners

© Nippon Knives 2024, created by

Technopol International, a.s., Kutlíkova 17, Bratislava 852 50, 0903761001,